• thymethyme
  • December 18, 2022
Does That Vitamin Nutrition Supplement Help You Or Harm You?

Does That Vitamin Nutrition Supplement Help You Or Harm You?

To millions of people in this country, the taking of a vitamin nutrition supplement is a cherished part of the daily routine. And why wouldn’t they – there are so many studies out there, in prestigious medical magazines like the Journal of the American Medical Association no less, that recommend that everyone take at least one multivitamin every day. Doctors and therapists have always been on the side of erring on the side of caution and taking a couple of vitamin nutrition supplements just to make sure that there is no vitamin shortfall because of an inadequate diet. But doctors are waking up to a new kind of research now as well.

There has recently been a virtual deluge of scientific evidence to get doctors to begin to think that perhaps vitamin supplements play no part in promoting health – that it’s all just been an elaborate old wives’ tale. All of this comes about through two great studies that have been put in place in the medical literature recently. One study that included dozens of randomized controlled trials found that no one was ever able to cut down their risk of getting heart disease or cancer through taking multivitamins. In the second study, they followed tens of thousands of women past menopause for 10 years and found again that their vitamin habit didn’t help them stay clear of heart disease, cancer or anything else. And the women in the study came from every kind of dietary background.

But what if you don’t expect your vitamin nutrition supplement to help fight cancer or heart disease for you? What if you’re just trying to get healthier, stronger and more in control of your day with your vitamin habit? Studies on those innocent expectations have turned out to be completely discouraging too. They found that among older people, a vitamin habit does nothing to help keep infections away. It doesn’t help breast cancer patients feel stronger and keep fatigue at bay, and children on vitamins don’t do any better at anything with them. Some studies even say that there could be harm that you can expect from taking multivitamin nutrition supplements.

How about that – not only do multi-vitamins not give you protection from cancer, they actually might cause cancer, as they found it a 10 year study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. How is it that the entire world of medical researchers got it wrong first time? To begin with, they studied the wrong kinds of people to see if taking multivitamins helped. They studied rich people. Rich people have better health expectations, anyway.…

  • thymethyme
  • December 12, 2022
Natural Headache Cures for Head Pain

Natural Headache Cures for Head Pain

Almost all of us experienced headaches. These headaches we experienced differ from their causes, intensity of pain, and specific locations. When we experienced these pains, we immediately think about headache cures. But, before jumping on the management part of this illness, knowing the type of head pain we are currently suffering from must be the first priority. It is difficult for us to obtain what treatment we should imply when we are not yet sure on what to treat.

We generalized headache as a mere pain felt at parts of the head. But, not all of us are aware that there are types of headaches. Pain in the head that can be felt in one specific area and aggravated by physical activities is called “Migraine Headache”. While on the other hand, the so called “Stress Headache” or “Tension Headache” is a head pain that is not aggravated by physical activities, yet stress is the main cause. It differs from the other type of headache as tension headache is bilateral. This means that it is usually felt on both sides of the head.

Determining these types of headaches is very significant before digging up with their various headache cures. Migraine headache is very common during adolescence period. Hence, we usually see high school students who are complaining of headache. But, most of them are not aware that they are already experiencing not just simple aches that can be managed by resting or simple massage therapy. The worst thing about this type of head pain is that, it is pulsating in nature. Inner movements can be felt inside the head, making the level of pain more intense. This is the reason why medication is advisable for Migraine Headache.

Stress Headache is the common type of headache that is felt in all ages. Young ones can possible suffer from these type of headache when they are under pressure or if they frequently perform strenuous activities that are not yet applicable for their ages. Adults are the ones who often have this pain, because stress is common on this period. For those adults who are used to their busy schedules are also used to Tension Headache. In fact, some of them already developed their own headache management. Resting or sleeping for a while is its common management. Some of them will just close their eyes for a while in order to alleviate stress or tension. Head massage is also one of the most effective therapy that can be done easily, without spending great amount of money, time, and effort, as you can do it on your own.

A lot of headache cures do not require you to spend money, because most of them can be done alone. The most important thing that should be remembered always is that, determining the type of headache is the first priority. A certain treatment will become useless or will possibly aggravate your pain when it is not suitable for the type of …

  • thymethyme
  • November 30, 2022
Natural Remedies For Headaches – You Don’t Need to Suffer With Migraines Or Headaches

Natural Remedies For Headaches – You Don’t Need to Suffer With Migraines Or Headaches

Migraine headaches can be dreadful, and stop you from continuing with your daily routine – thousands of people suffer with them every single day. If you are one of them, and you are not reliant on prescription drugs, you may well want to consider natural remedies for headaches.

Natural remedies for headaches can be really helpful whether you suffer with chronic headaches, or just have them every now and again. Natural headache remedies seem to have far less side effects and they are going to cost you less money than a prescription drug, or even some of the other the counter medicines.

Believe it or not, one of the most recommended natural remedies for headaches, is grapes. These are not only tasty, but they are also inexpensive – so a bunch of grapes could well keep the doctor away! If you don’t fancy munching your way through them, then you can also gain the same benefits by drinking pure grape juice – make sure that it is 100% grape juice though, as the juice drinks have other ingredients like high fructose corn syrup added to them.

Many headaches are caused by dehydration, so the simplest way to clear these up is to drink a large glass of water. This should help to reduce the amount of time your headache hangs around. You need to keep yourself well hydrated, preferable with pure water. You can choose to add a teaspoon of honey, as honey is also thought to help with headaches.

Some like the feel of a cold compress on their heads when a migraine or headache starts. If you are one of these people, then you can use a frozen pack of corn or peas. Not only with these will stay nice and cold, but they will also mould to the shape of your head. Please make sure to wrap them in a towel, or similar, to prevent damage to your skin.

Niacin can be used in the treatment of headaches – this can be found in foods such as nuts, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and sunflower seeds. You can also get this in a supplement form.

Diet is also important when looking for natural remedies for headaches. Make sure that you are eating lots of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and grains so that you are getting the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that you need to help ensure you stay well, and headache free.…

  • thymethyme
  • November 25, 2022
Organising a gender reveal party

Organising a party is obviously very tricky, but even more so when it comes to a gender reveal party. Pregnancy is probably the most important thing in your whole life, and you probably cannot wait for the arrival of your baby. Many parents want to know the gender of their baby and organise a gender reveal party for this purpose. You see this happening more and more often on the internet, and it is of course a lot of fun. But how do you find out the gender of your baby during pregnancy? Most parents wait until the 20-week ultrasound, but this doesn’t always look at the gender. The doctor mainly looks at a child’s physical abnormalities and does not take extra time to look at the gender. So, what do you do if you want to organise a gender reveal party?

Nowadays, you can very easily order a gender test on the internet and with this you can find out what the sex of your child is. Yet, many parents want to know how this all works and how to buy it. How does it all work? In this article, we will tell you all about the gender test, so you can find out all about it.

How it works.

When you order a gender test on the internet, you can have it delivered to your home. You can perform the gender test all by yourself at home, but this requires DNA samples to be taken from the baby. During pregnancy, of course, this is very difficult, and DNA samples are taken from the mother. The mother’s blood also contains the baby’s DNA, and this can be used to determine the gender. The DNA samples are sent to the lab and here the samples are further examined. The result is delivered to your home in an anonymous letter, which you can then give to a family member. The family member can better organise the gender reveal party this way.


At a gender reveal party, people come up with the craziest things to announce the sex of their baby. For example, you can fill a balloon with blue chips if it is a boy and with pink chips if it is a girl. You can find many other things on the internet about how to announce it to others. Get inspiration on the internet and find a good way.

  • thymethyme
  • November 15, 2022
Various Fruits, Savers of Women

Various Fruits, Savers of Women

Throughout history, women have been trying various ways to resist aging and nourish the skin. In modern times, more and more cosmetics and drugs have been developed to help women improve the skin and enrich the blood. However, it is not nearly enough to just depend on cosmetics and drugs. A kind of comprehensive and thorough skin care must be realized from the inner side of the body. Fruit is the best natural skin care product. It can not only beautify the skin, but also prevent and treat various diseases. Among all the fruits, cherries, pomegranates and kiwis are rather effective in caring the skin.

Cherries contain abundant vitamin C, iron and carotene. The amount of tartaric acid, minerals and potassium is also rather high. Therefore, cherries can effectively enrich the blood and beautify the skin. They can resist the formation of melanin and accelerate the production of stratum corneum so as to make the skin smooth and elastic. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, cherries also have great value for medicine. Cherries can be used as medicine to treat numb limbs and rheumatic lumbago, playing an important role in inducing perspiration, benefiting vital energy, dispelling the wind and promoting eruption. In addition, women can supplement iron through eating cherries.

Pomegranates contain many kinds of essential nutrients needed by the human body, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, organic acid, sugar, protein, fat and minerals like calcium, phosphorus and potassium. It has been proved that pomegranates have a kind of strong ability of anti-oxidization. A kind of special substance called “ellagic acid” contained in pomegranates can nourish the cells and prevent the cells from being hurt by environmental pollution and ultraviolet rays so as to defer the aging of the human body. In addition, various kinds of amino acids and trace elements are contained in pomegranate juice and they can effectively improve the digestion, resist gastric ulcer, reduce the blood fat and blood sugar and lower the cholesterol.

Kiwis are regarded as a kind of fruit with the highest nutrition density. Two kiwis a day can provide enough calcium for the human body and help people improve the sleep. The taste of acescency can promote the gastrointestinal wriggle, reduce flatulence and improve the sleeping. The nutrients like amino acids, vitamin C and vitamin E contained in kiwis can not only beautify the skin, but also resist oxidation to whiten the skin and eliminate the freckles and acnes. The abundant minerals in kiwis can form a layer of protective film on the surface of the hair.

In short, fruits are the savers of women to provide the necessary nutrients and deal with various skin problems.…

  • thymethyme
  • November 7, 2022
Seasonal Affective Disorder – Can Vitamin Deficiencies Make It Worse?

Seasonal Affective Disorder – Can Vitamin Deficiencies Make It Worse?

Do you suffer from seasonal affective disorder? Do you dread the coming of winter every year? It’s thought that the lower light levels and shorter days of winter trigger this problem. But vitamin deficiencies may have more to do with it than you think.

Vitamin B Deficiency Can Cause Seasonal Depression

Most people don’t realize how important the B vitamins are. If you have low levels of these nutrients, your chances are much higher of developing some form of depression, seasonal or otherwise.

Your body doesn’t keep a store of these nutrients in reserve. Plus they’re easily destroyed, by caffeine, nicotine, refined sugar, and alcohol. You need to replenish your supplies every day, either through diet or supplements.

What Do The B Vitamins Do?

Let’s run down the list and find out:

B-1 – Thiamine converts blood sugar into the fuel that runs your body, especially your brain. Low thiamine levels make you feel tired and irritable. Depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts may follow. Eating too much sugar will result in lower levels.

B-3 – Niacin deficiency used to be a lot more common. Known as pellagra, this condition results in psychosis and dementia. It’s not seen very much now because niacin is added to foods. But low levels of this nutrient can make you feel agitated and anxious.

B-5 – if your pantothentic acid levels are low, you may feel stressed out all the time. And of course, feeling stressed can lead to fatigue and depression.

B-6 – Did you know that pyridoxine is used by your body to manufacture serotonin and melatonin? Not having enough of these two substances in your body can lead to insomnia, and you guessed it, depression.

B-12 – Pernicious anemia results from not having enough B-12 in your system. Moodiness, irritability, and paranoia are only a few of the symptoms. Older people are more prone to B-12 deficiencies. In fact, some older people who are thought to have Alzheimer’s may instead be suffering from a deficiency of this nutrient. If an older relative is showing signs of dementia, it’s worthwhile to have their B-12 levels checked.

Folic Acid – low levels have been linked to depression. It’s been shown that antidepressant medications may not work as well if you don’t have enough folic acid in your system.

Vitamin D And Depression

A recent study of 12,600 people has revealed that people with low levels of the “sunshine vitamin” are more prone to becoming depressed. It certainly makes sense that seasonal affective disorder could be related to not having enough of this nutrient. Not only is there less sunlight during the cold season, but people tend to stay inside more, too.

Researchers now recommend that people between the ages of one and 70 should be getting 600 international units of vitamin D every day. If you’re over 70, 800 international units are recommended.

Don’t neglect good nutrition this winter. Eating well may help …

Signs That You Need to Hire a Water Damage Restoration Company

Getting quotes from a reputable water damage restoration company

When disaster strikes, you’ll need a water damage restoration company East Lansing to get your property back up and running. Restoration 1 offers comprehensive water damage restoration services in East Lansing, including extraction and drying. They also provide building services, such as rebuilding damaged areas and weatherproofing.

You’ll want to compare prices and the services other companies offer. A reputable company should be able to accommodate your needs without breaking your budget. If you don’t know what you need, call the company and ask for a quote.

water damage restoration company East Lansing in price. The average cost for water damage restoration is $2,400, although it can be more or less depending on the damage’s extent, the affected area’s size, and the type of water. These prices are also subject to local labor costs.

Typical water damage issues in Lansing

Depending on your policy, water damage is one of the most common claims homeowners file. However, the coverage varies widely, whether the damage results from flooding or a broken pipe. Water damage usually damages walls, flooring, upholstery, and other structures, and leaving standing water can lead to mold growth, costing a homeowner more money to remediate. Fortunately, Lansing water damage restoration companies like Restoration 1 are here to help you avoid these headaches and restore your home to its original condition.

Whether you have a small basement or a large apartment building, the Restoration 1 team is here to help. Our technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to remove water from affected areas and restore them to their pre-loss condition. We also offer mold remediation, biohazard cleanup, and odor removal services. Our company also helps people in Lansing recover from other disasters, including fire and smoke damage.

Water damage is devastating. If left untreated, the water damage can destroy the structure of your home, eliminating appliances and electrical work. It can even cause electric shocks. Therefore, it’s essential to call a professional as soon as possible, so you can prevent future problems from occurring. With the Restoration 1 team, you’ll get the best water damage restoration company East Lansing area.

Identifying if you have water damage

The first step in identifying if you have water damage in your home is to find the source. While floods and burst pipes are the apparent causes of water damage, there are also hidden sources that may not be easily identified. If left untreated, these hidden sources could cause structural damage to your home and cost you thousands of dollars in repairs.

Look for dark spots on the ceiling or walls. Fresh water damage will show these marks, while older water damage will appear as rings on the wall or ceiling. The more calls you find, the older the damage. The paint may also be thick, indicating that it has been exposed to water for a while.

Water damage could occur if you notice a sudden increase in your utility bill. For example, a sudden increase in

  • thymethyme
  • October 19, 2022
Excedrin And Other Migraine Treatments

Excedrin And Other Migraine Treatments

Migraine is definitely an extreme discomfort occurring in two from the mind as well as because of that an individual can additionally are afflicted by nausea or vomiting. There are numerous associated with migraine leads to, as well as one of these is actually hereditary. Consequently, there might be genetic factors in addition to tension as well as consumption associated with incorrect meals associated factors.

Immediate migraine alleviation is dependent on each pharmaceutical drug as well as non-pharmaceutical techniques. It is best to test utilizing non- pharmaceutical drug techniques at first to obtain alleviation. Individuals struggling with migraine ought to attempt to relaxation inside a darkish, peaceful space.

Migraines possess, because perform numerous illnesses, a number of natural home remedies. It might shock you to definitely discover which one of the natural home remedies with regard to migraines is located cabbage simply leaves. Perform consume lots of drinking water in addition to it’ll keep the entire body hydrated. Don’t make use of analgesic medicines too much.

Additionally, another migraine alleviation options can sometimes include beginning methodically some type of workout program and steer clear of the intake of alcoholic beverages. Herbal treatments also have proven a few effectiveness within immediate migraine alleviation.

Additionally, exercise the actual artwork associated with deep breathing as well as yoga exercise, that have been discovered to become very helpful for migraine sufferers. Alter within way of life as well as nutritional modification may also be useful within migraine options.

Much more glaciers remedy or even cryotherapy may be proven to create immediate migraine alleviation. Excedrin may be the most often utilized medication with regard to immediate migraine alleviation and it is a good over-the-counter (OTC) non-prescription treatment.

Excedrin as well as migraine possess turned out to be named inseparable because of medical evidence which Excedrin Migraine offers immediate migraine options.…

  • thymethyme
  • October 13, 2022
Migraine Headaches – The Main Migraine Headache Types

Migraine Headaches – The Main Migraine Headache Types

There are only a couple of basic classifications of headache, primary and secondary. Migraine headaches and tension-type headaches are the two most widespread sort of headache and each of them are in the primary classification. For primary headaches the headache is the primary condition. Conversely, secondary headaches are brought on by underlying primary medical issues such as infections, allergic reactions, medication-induced, or additional health factors. Knowing how to distinguish between headache types will usually lead to a more successful natural treatment option.

Sinus and cluster headaches are a couple of other varieties of primary headache, but they’re not as common. Roughly ten percent of the population suffers with migraine headaches, or thirty million People in the U.S. One reason migraine headaches are so common is the fact that you’ll find scores of unique causes and types of migraine headaches.

Migraine with aura and migraine without aura are the two most ordinary types of migraine. An aura is something that disturbs a person’s vision and precedes the actual headache in about 20% of migraine attacks. These visual factors may be intense flashes of light, increased sensitivity to light, blind spots, hallucinations, zigzagging patterns of light in the visual field, and many other types of sensations. They usually happen anywhere from 10 minutes to 60 minutes prior to the headache, although they may take place earlier.

Many types of migraine headaches are named according to the body location that they involve. These are abdominal, basilar artery, optic (otherwise referred to as ophthalmoplegic), and hemiplegic migraines in addition to others. Sometimes, aura symptoms will appear with no occurrence of a headache.

Abdominal migraine headache types are normally found in young children who also have a family history of the migraine condition. Abdominal pain is the main symptom of these types of migraine headaches. Kids who suffer with abdominal migraines often develop migraines as grownups also.

Ophthalmoplegic migraine starts in one of the eyes. This variety might bring about paralysis of eye musculature, also called ocular motor nerve palsy, and causes the eyelid to droop. In most instances, the drooping eyelid goes away after several days or a few weeks, although they occasionally can become permanent with repeated migraine attacks. This type is fairly infrequent in occurrence.

When the basilar artery in the brainstem is disturbed it might cause basilar artery migraine symptoms. Young adult females are the usual sufferer of this variety which is frequently preceded by disturbances in vision. Basilar artery migraine headaches are ordinarily severe in nature and may last anywhere from several hours to a number of days.

Hemiplegic migraine is very rare, but can turn into a severe and debilitating health disorder. They will often first occur in young children and then vanish as adults. Despite the fact that this type can result in symptoms similar to stroke, it is not going to result in permanent nerve impairment. The symptoms can also vary significantly. One attack can produce a slight headache …

  • thymethyme
  • September 20, 2022
Migraine – Check on Your Headache

Migraine – Check on Your Headache

You have suffered many headaches in your life. When you start wondering if your ordinary headache is something more then just a pain you should look at your symptoms a little bit closer. If you have had migraines for a few years, you know exactly what you can expect from the sickness. If not, try to examine your own pain.

Classic migraine has typical symptoms and you can easily find out more about them below. However sometimes it happens that there might appear extraordinary signs. Finding out about your headache can help ease the pain.

The aura of seeing flashing lights for longer then few minutes is the first sign of a migraine. After that the pain begins. This aura usually intrudes your vision and can lead to vomiting. It is very common symptoms of the migraine headache but not everyone has it. But whoever has that feeling can be sure their headache problems are strictly connected to a migraine. Also when your pain is situated on the one side of the head it points out a migraine is present. But sometimes people have a migraine on both sides of their head.

Migraine headaches make most of the people very sensitive on external factors. Light, smell and sounds intensify the pain of the headache. Migraine headache doesn’t go very quickly. That is very big difference from ordinary headache, you can suffer migraine for few hours and sometimes even for days. Sometimes sufferer point out on extra symptoms such as diarrhea or problems with speech.

If you suspect that your headache is more then ordinary pain, you should consult that with your doctor. You will get proper treatment and examination of your head.

Knowledge of your migraines will help you to lead more normal life.…